Handy Food And Kitchen Hack To Make Your Life Easier
Sometimes, life can get in the way of cooking a completely fresh and delicious meal. The kids interrupt you, someone spills the milk, your dirty clothes need to be washed, and so on. You don’t need to wait until you have more time or bring yourself down with take-out food — we’ve gathered our favorite creative food hacks that will help take your cooking to the next level!
1. Freeze avocados to make guacamole easier to scoop out

Guacamole is one of our favorite snacks, but sometimes getting it out of the avocado can be tricky. Next time you’re making some guacamole, put all of your ingredients (avocado, salt, garlic powder/onion powder/whatever else you like) into a bowl and freeze it overnight.
2. Use a muffin tin to cook bacon
To cook bacon without it getting soggy or falling apart, try cooking it in a muffin tin. Start by placing the bacon into the muffin cups, then put them in the oven. The bacon will naturally curve over and stay separated from other pieces, and it also won’t stick to your pan!
3. Bulk up burgers with sliced carrots, mushrooms, and an egg
For a more filling burger, add sliced mushrooms and carrots. We also like to add an entire hard-boiled egg in the center of the burger patty in order to add in some healthy fats. You can serve with mayonnaise or ketchup for added flavor!
4. Put butter on your latte to keep it warm longer
This is a simple trick that restaurants use when you’re getting a latte or another iced drink: butter! When it’s hot out, iced drinks tend to get watered down quickly when left outside or when you leave them with the lid on.
5. Use a plastic bag to keep lettuce fresh longer

Plastic bags are amazing for keeping vegetables fresh. Simply throw your vegetables in the bag, press out the air, and put it in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. The plastic keeps out oxygen, which slows down the rate at which your greens wilt.
6. Use leftover grains to make tasty breakfast “pancakes”
You can make delicious pancakes out of almost any leftover grain that you have on hand! Mix ingredients with eggs, baking soda, and flour after adding some water to thin it out just a little bit.