When Life Gives Us Lemons: 45 Resourceful Ways To Use Lemon Juice In Our Everyday Lives

By Navkiran K

Lemons are one of those fruits that just so happen to have a million uses. And while we all love drinking lemonade on a hot summer day, there are plenty of other ways to use this incredible citric fruit in your everyday life. You can literally turn a lemon into a multi-purpose cleaner!

That’s because lemon juice has plenty of anti-bacterial properties, not to mention it smells refreshing. It’s also rich in vitamin C, which helps boost immunity in the body. From cooking to cleaning, these 45 everyday lemon uses will show you how to turn this sour citrus fruit into a powerhouse of goodness.

Don’t forget to stock up on lemons the next time you’re at the store so you can try some of your favorite tips on this list. By the end, you’ll be surprised by just how versatile lemons can be!

Quick marble cleaner

Lemon juice is a fantastic natural cleaner for marble countertops. It will remove all of the built-up dirt, grease, and grime and leave your countertops looking shiny and new. Plus, it’s cheaper than buying a commercial marble cleaner that may even be abrasive for regular use.

Image courtesy: Ana Cadena / www.thespruce.com

Simply mix equal parts fresh lemon juice and water in a spray bottle, and spray the mixture onto the marble countertops. Then wipe it up with a soft fabric. Rinse off the residue with warm water. The countertops will look shiny and clean as new. 

Relief from headache

While the results are not yet conclusive, some claim that lemon juice helps relieve them of headaches. The reason that it may be beneficial is that lemon juice is a natural source of vitamin C, which is effective in reducing the symptoms of headaches.

Image courtesy: www.diyherbaltea.com

In addition, chamomile tea has been shown to be effective in relieving headaches, and green tea contains antioxidants which may also help reduce headaches’ symptoms. So, if you are looking for a natural way to get relief from headaches, drinking lemon juice in chamomile or green tea may be a good option.

Natural insect repellent 

The delightfully scented combination of cloves and lemon is not only a pleasing aroma, but it’s an effective natural pest repellent. Simply stick some cloves into a half-cut lemon and place them in areas where you tend to see insects.

Image courtesy: vocalpoint.com

You may keep these in cabinets or window sills to prevent insects such as ants and mosquitoes from coming inside. This natural repellent will be much safer for you and your family than chemical-based options. You’ll notice a dramatic decrease in their presence in no time.

Fight itchy scalp and dandruff

Lemons are a great natural remedy for an itchy scalp and dandruff flakes. Dandruff is caused by yeast, which the acidic properties of lemon disrupt. Plus, the astringent properties of lemon can help to tighten the pores on your scalp, which can also reduce itchiness.

Image courtesy: Doro Cubillo / YouTube

Simply juice a lemon and apply it to your scalp with a cotton ball. Rinse it out after 10 minutes with cool water. You may also use a few drops of lemon essential oil in your shampoo for an extra boost. Repeat this once or twice a week till you see improvement.

Look youthful 

Age spots are caused by years of sun exposure, which may make you look much older than you actually are. But lemon juice can help to get rid of them! Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals.

Image courtesy: Harper’s BAZAAR/YouTube

The citric acid will remove dead cells and exfoliate your skin. For this home spa remedy, take a lemon juice-dipped cotton ball and apply it to the target areas. Let it sit on the spots for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water.

Get rid of infections

There’s some evidence that lemon juice may help fight ear and throat infections. One study found that lemon juice effectively reduced the number of bacteria in the ear canal, and another found that it helped reduce throat inflammation. It is worth noting that more research needs to be done for a conclusive answer.

Image courtesy: www.myfriendmesha.com

Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic and disinfectant, so it makes sense that it could help fight infections. A potent source of Vitamin C, lemon juice can help boost your immune system. So if you’re experiencing an infection, use lemon juice in the ear and mix it with salt and warm water for a sore throat. 

Fresh-smelling clothes

One way to remove mildew and musty smells from clothes is to mix lemon juice and salt together and rub the mixture into the affected areas. You can also try soaking the clothes in a solution of one part lemon juice to three parts water before washing them.

Image courtesy: Ana Cadena /thespruce.com

After that, wash your clothes in a gentle cycle and dry them in the sun to remove any lingering smell that may have been left. If the odor persists, you may need to repeat the process or try using white vinegar instead of lemon juice.

No more dental problems

Lemon juice is a great way to help with teeth and gum problems. The citric acid in lemon juice helps kill bacteria and plaque, while vitamin C helps strengthen teeth and gums. Additionally, lemon juice’s astringent properties can help reduce inflammation and swelling.

Image courtesy: Damir Khabirov/Shutterstock

Massage some lemon juice onto your teeth and gums a few times per week. Make sure that you’re using fresh lemon juice. Bottled juice contains preservatives that will negate the benefits. And always brush your teeth afterward to remove any residual lemon juice residue. 

Poison ivy sting treatment

Lemon juice is often touted as a mild but effective natural remedy for poison ivy stings, and there’s some evidence to support this claim. A small study found that applying lemon juice to poison ivy stings resulted in significantly less irritation than water or no treatment at all.

Image courtesy: NatalieJean/Shutterstock

So, if you’re ever unfortunate enough to come in contact with poison ivy, reach for the lemon juice. It just might help take the sting out of your situation. After treating the sting with lemon juice, apply soothing calamine lotion. Repeat this 2-3 times a day until you feel better. 

Table essential after a dinner

A finger bowl is a small steel or glass bowl of water used to rinse one’s fingers after a meal. Warm water is often used so that the heat helps to loosen any food residue on the fingers. For a refreshing scent, add some lemon juice.

Image courtesy: tripadvisor

Finger bowls were once a common sight on dinner tables, but their popularity has dwindled in recent years. When serving finger food, it is necessary to clean your hands. You may bring these finger bowls back to your dinner party for your guests. Moreover, they’ll feel fancy using these. 

Clean wooden cutting board

Wooden cutting boards are extremely hard to clean and may start to smell even when washed with dishwashing soap. There are a few better ways to clean a wooden cutting board. One is to use a half-cut lemon and some salt. This’ll help in getting rid of any residual smell from the wood.

Image courtesy: Linda Ly / www.kcet.org

Simply sprinkle the salt on the board and then use the lemon to scrub it. The acid in the lemon will help remove any bacteria or dirt, and the salt will help disinfect and sanitize it. Rinse and dry the board before use.

Easy wart removal 

Warts are one of those annoyingly persistent problems that seem to pop up at the worst possible times. You might be able to ignore them when they’re small and insignificant, but once they grow larger and more visible, they can be hard to get rid of.

Image courtesy: Epov Dmitry/Shutterstock

Fortunately, there are some ways you may try to get rid of warts quickly and easily, and one of the most effective is using lemon juice. Lemon juice has natural acidic properties that can help to break down the outer layer of the wart, making it easier for you to remove it.

Keep your whites bright

This is a great tip for brightening white clothes! You’ll want to mix together lemon juice, baking soda, and hot water and then soak your clothes in the mixture. The acid in the lemon juice may help break down any stains, while baking soda acts as a natural bleaching agent.

Image courtesy: Amelia Lawrence / Kitchn.com

Hot water will help loosen any dirt or grime that might be clinging to your clothes. After soaking, just toss your clothes in the washing machine, and they should come out looking brighter and fresher than ever! You may do this for alternative washes. 

Lighten freckles and dark spots

Lemon juice is a potent natural bleaching agent that can lighten freckles and dark spots on the skin. It’s also a great method to exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells, which can make the skin look brighter and more even-toned. To use lemon juice as a facial bleach, get some fresh lemon juice and a cotton ball.

Image courtesy: Doro Cubillo / YouTube

Just apply the fresh juice to the affected areas, leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. If your spots are dark, you may try this twice a day. Make sure to moisturize afterward, as your skin may be dry after using lemon juice.

Make an all-purpose cleaner

Here’s a great option for making an all-purpose cleaner that’s both effective and economical! Combine lemon juice, lemon peels, vinegar, and rosemary in a spray bottle and shake well. Now, use it as you would any other store-bought all-purpose cleaner. The citric acid will cut through grease and grime…

Image courtesy: Mick Telkamp / www.hgtv.com

…and the vinegar will disinfect surfaces. The rosemary-infused liquid will leave your home smelling fresh and clean. Spray the cleaner on surfaces and wipe clean with a rag or sponge. You may also soak tougher stains and spots with the cleaner for a few minutes and then scrub.

At-home nail care

There are several methods for cleaning your nails with lemon juice. One way is to mix the juice with some warm water and soak your nails in the mixture for about 10 minutes. Doing this will help remove any built-up gunk or dirt on your nails and soften the cuticles.

Image courtesy: Ahanov Michael/Shutterstock

Another way to use lemon juice to clean your nails is by mixing it with some baking soda to form a paste. You can then rub the paste onto your nails and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off. Try this method if you have any built-up polish or nail varnish.

Freshen up the cat’s room

Lemon wedges can help freshen up your cat’s room. The citric acid in lemons is a natural cleaning and deodorizing agent, and it’s especially effective at getting rid of stale smells. Moreover, lemon is a natural room freshener that will not harm your cat’s health.

Image courtesy: Rattana/Shutterstock

Just be sure to place the lemon wedges in a bowl or cup so that your cat doesn’t eat them. You may keep these on a window sill. While lemons are safe for cats to eat in moderation, they can irritate their digestive system if eaten in large quantities.

Ease stomach troubles

Many believe in this simple remedy. They claim that hot water with lemon and honey can do everything from aiding digestion to boosting weight loss. While there isn’t necessarily scientific evidence to support all of these claims, drinking hot water with lemon and honey has some potential benefits.

Image courtesy: toriavey.com

For one, hot water can help break down food quicker, making it easier for your body to digest. Also, lemon is a natural source of Vitamin C, which is important for a healthy immune system. Research suggests that honey may also have some anti-bacterial properties.

Polish that silver

Lemon is a great natural cleaner for silverware and brass because it is a mild acid. The citric acid in lemon juice may break down the tarnish and stains, and the lemon oil leaves behind a protective film that helps prevent further tarnishing.

Image courtesy: food52.com

To polish silverware or brass with lemon, start with a half-cut lemon dipped in some salt. Use it to rub the metal. Then, use the cloth to rub the lemon juice onto the tarnished areas. Rinse off any residue with warm water, then dry with a clean cloth.

Remove odor from the fridge 

If you’re finding that your fridge is smelling a bit off, one simple solution is to clean it with lemon juice. All you need to do is combine some fresh lemon juice and water, and then use a soft fabric or sponge to wipe down all of the surfaces inside your fridge.

Image courtesy: Kevin Norris / www.thespruce.com

The acidic nature of the citric juice will help to neutralize any bad smells and leave your fridge smelling nice and fresh. You may also leave some lemon juice in a bowl to soak up the odor. It’s a natural way to clean without any harsh chemicals.

Clean humidifier mildew 

Assuming you want to know how to remove the musty smell from a humidifier, there are a few methods you can try. One is to add lemon juice to the water. This will help cut through the musty smell and leave your humidifier smelling fresh. Another way is to use a few drops of lemon essential oil in the water.

Image courtesy: Emily Fazio / www.hgtv.com

The oil has natural antimicrobial properties that may help keep your humidifier clean and prevent mold and mildew growth. Finally, ensure to clean your humidifier regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will help prevent the buildup of bacteria and organic matter that can cause musty smells.

DIY citrus candles

Candles are a great option to add ambiance to any room, and DIY candles are a fun project. Making citrus candles is a great way to enjoy the fresh scent of lemons while creating beautifully handmade decor. To make these candles, you’ll need lemon halves, wax flakes, a candle wick, and a double boiler.

Image courtesy: www.thecountrychiccottage.net

First, melt the wax in the double boiler. While the wax is melting, cut the lemons in half and remove the pulp. Pour the wax into the lemon halves and place a wick inside. Let it all set before use.

Stain-free hands and clothes

Lemon juice’s natural cleaning agents may help to break down stains. When it comes to berry stains, lemon juice can be particularly effective. The acidity in lemon juice can help lift the stain out of fabric and also helps to bleach it, which can be helpful if the stain has already set in.

Image courtesy: www.cleanipedia.com

To use lemon juice to remove berry stains, apply it directly to the affected area and then rub it in gently. Depending on the stain, you may need to repeat the process a few times. Once you have lifted the stain as much as possible, rinse the area with water and then wash it as normal. 

Asthma relief 

Many people find that lemon juice helps with asthma symptoms. The acidic properties of this citrus fruit will be beneficial in loosening mucus and phlegm, making it easier to cough up. Additionally, lemon juice’s vitamins and minerals may help improve overall health and well-being.

Image courtesy: Twinsterphoto/Shutterstock

As a result, it improves asthma symptoms. Include two spoons of lemon juice before every meal to get the most out of it. This will also help your body release the toxins that may cause many avoidable symptoms. You’ll see your health improving after a few weeks. 

Make your pits pretty

There are a few ways to lighten your armpits. One is to use lemon juice. Lemons are high in citric acid, an alpha hydroxy acid that helps exfoliate the skin. This can help to remove the dark pigmentation that may exist in the area.

Image courtesy: Eshlya Nn / YouTube

You may either apply lemon juice directly to the skin or make a salt and lemon scrub. To make the scrub, mix 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt with 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. Apply the scrub to your armpits and rub for about two minutes before rinsing off with warm water. 

Keep the cauliflower fresh

Vegetables light in color, like cauliflower, tend to go bad quickly. This may happen with or without heat and reduces the shelf life of the food. Lemon juice is a natural preservative and can help to keep cauliflower fresh and free from brown spots.

Image courtesy: blog.liebherr.com

Just dampen a towel with lemon juice and wrap it around the cauliflower. You may squeeze a lemon on top of the cauliflower right before cooking. The lemon juice will also help inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungus, which can cause brown spots on the cauliflower. 

Prevent kidney stones

These are no joke. Kidney stones are painful and a health hazard if not treated properly. Drinking lemon juice and water regularly can help prevent kidney stones! That’s right, those little sour, tangy balls of calcium and other minerals are no match for the citric acid in lemons.

Image courtesy: onelittleproject.com

So, down a glass of lemonade every day and have sweet dreams knowing your kidneys are safe and sound. Moreover, if you think you might be at risk for developing kidney stones, talk to your doctor about it, and make sure to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day — citrusy or otherwise! 

Make a mothball

It’s really easy to make a mothball using lemon and cloves. All you need is a lemon, some cloves, and a toothpick or sharp object to pierce the lemon with. First, grab some lemons and then poke the cloves into the lemon half until it’s covered in them.

Image courtesy: freshideen.com

Then, put this DIY mothball somewhere, like on top of a cabinet or shelf. Let it stay for a few days so that the lemon juice can dry out. As the lemon dries, it’ll release a nice scent to keep the moths away. Once it’s dry and not releasing any fragrance, you can discard it.

Say goodbye to achy joints

The hack of detoxing your body with warm water and lemon juice works fantastic. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to flush toxins out of the body, and lemon juice is a good provider of vitamin C, which is beneficial for overall health. This will help get rid of toxins due to the diuretic effect.

Image courtesy: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

But it’s not magical. If you have arthritis, you may need to go to a doctor. That said, there may be a few things you can do to help your body detoxify more easily: drink plenty of water, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and get regular exercise. 

Natural highlights

There’s nothing quite like getting natural highlights from lemon juice, water, and a nap in the sun. It’s a great method to add some brightness to your hair, and it’s also a lot healthier for your hair than using chemical solutions that are damaging to the hair.

Image courtesy: SiderAnne/instructables.com

Mix lemon juice with room temperature water in equal parts, and dab the solution on your hair. Then, relax in direct sunlight for about half an hour. The lemon juice will help lighten your hair, and the sun will help set the color. Afterward, rinse out your hair and enjoy your new natural highlights.

Maintain good health 

Drinking lemon juice, baking soda, and mineral water can help maintain good health. In fact, consuming it may add alkaline and toxic removal agents to the body. These help with digestive issues, maintaining good cholesterol levels, and blood purification. Besides, vitamin C in lemon juice will add antioxidant properties.

Image courtesy: onelittleproject.com

You may consume it daily for a week, then take a break for two weeks before starting again. For mineral water, choose a brand with low sodium and contains essential minerals like potassium and magnesium. This will ensure your overall health is good, and you’ll feel energetic. 

Wash your veggies and fruits

Washing your veggies and fruits with lemon juice is a great way to remove pesticides, insecticides, and other potentially harmful chemicals. The acid in the lemon juice helps break down the chemical bonds of the pesticides, making them easier to wash away.

Image courtesy: Joe Lingeman/thekitchn.com

Plus, the citrusy smell of lemon juice helps mask any lingering smells of pesticides on your produce. Just mix some lemon juice and warm water. Now, fill a spray bottle with the solution and use it on your fresh groceries. 

Soften your elbows

Lemons are a great way to soften elbows that have become dry and rough. The acidic juice of the lemon helps to exfoliate the skin and remove any dead cells or built-up dirt. Plus, the vitamin C in lemons helps nourish and revitalize tired skin. Cut a lemon in half, and dip it in salt.

Image courtesy: jennied29/Pinterest

Massage the lemon juice using half of the lemon into your skin for a few minutes. You may let it stay on your flaky elbow skin for about 10 minutes to work well. Then rinse off with warm water. Repeat 2-4 times per week for best results.

Fresh guac for longer

Are you looking for a way to keep your guacamole from turning brown? If so, you may have heard that lemon juice can help. Squeezing lemon juice on guacamole prevents it from oxidizing and turning brown. Lemon juice contains citric acid, a mild natural antioxidant.

Image courtesy: thekittchen.com

When added to guacamole, citric acid helps slow down the oxidation process. After adding the guacamole to a bowl, take half a lemon and squeeze some juice over it before storing. Just ensure not to add too much, or it’ll alter the taste. 

Fragrant fire

You may be surprised to hear this, but throwing some lemon in your fireplace can help make the fire smell better! Lemons are known for their fresh and citrusy scent, which can help neutralize any unpleasant odors coming from your fire. Moreover, the lemon’s acidic properties can also help to cleanse and degrease your fireplace.

Image courtesy: www.sherwin-williams.com

So if you’re on a hunt for a way to make your fireplace smell fresher and cleaner, tossing in a couple of lemons is a great option! Moreover, you may add some cinnamon sticks to add a warm fragrance to the fire. 

Save old lettuce

Lettuce may be brought back to life by soaking it in cold lemon water for about an hour. The citric acid in the lemon may help to revive the chlorophyll that was lost and also acts as a natural preservative. This method works best for romaine lettuce or other sturdy leaves.

Image courtesy: Christine Gallary / www.thekitchn.com

These can easily be dunked in and out of a bowl of lemon water. Iceberg lettuce is a bit more delicate, so it might not hold up as well using this method. It doesn’t hurt to try, so why not give it a go and see what works for you.

DIY natural mouthwash

You may use lemon juice as a mouthwash to help freshen your breath. Lemon juice has natural anti-bacterial properties that can help kill the germs that cause bad breath. It also helps to remove any built-up plaque or food particles from your teeth and gums.

Image courtesy: mommypotamus.com

To make a simple lemon mouthwash, mix 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 cup of water. The water will dilute the acid and not damage the teeth’ enamel. Swish the mixture around in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then spit it out. Repeat 2-3 times more in a day for best results.

Recover stinky shoes

We’ve all been there before — you’re out and about, enjoying yourself, when you suddenly realize your shoes have started to smell. And not just a little bit — we’re talking serious stink, the kind that can clear a room. You could change into a fresh pair of socks and shoes, but that’s not always convenient.

Image courtesy: www.popsugar.com

It turns out that lemon peels can be your savior in this situation. Just place a few peels in your smelly shoes and let them sit overnight. In the morning, voilà! Your shoes will smell much better. Lemon is a popular choice for its refreshing and cleansing properties, so it’s not surprising that it can also help with stinky shoes. 

Citric stovetop humidifier

This may be a great way to make your humidifier! All you need is a pot of water, some lemon juice, and your favorite herbs and spices. The lemon juice will help disperse the fragrant essential oils from the herbs and spices.

Image courtesy: morganmoore.typepad.com

You may use mint and rosemary. This will create a refreshing and healing mist that can help improve air quality and soothe respiratory problems. Plus, the citric acid in the lemon juice will help kill bacteria and fungus, keeping your home healthy and germ-free.

Grow your garden

This is an affordable way to grow seedlings. Lemons have high citric acid levels, which helps break down the hard outer shell of the seeds. The lemon also provides nutrients and moisture that help the seeds to germinate and grow.

Image courtesy: Kelly Ladd / www.popsugar.com

Simply place the lemon halves in a bowl or container and bury the seeds in the lemon flesh. Keep the soil moist; within a few weeks, you should see small shoots emerging from the soil. Once the seedlings have developed a few inches tall, you can transplant them into your garden or flower bed.

Easy wrinkle removal 

As lemon juice is rich in citric acid, it makes it a potent antioxidant. When applied to the skin, lemon juice can help to reduce wrinkles and make the skin look younger. To use lemon juice for wrinkle removal, simply apply it to the affected areas and massage it into the skin.

Image courtesy: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

Leave it on for 10-15 minutes before. Then, rinse it off with warm water. In addition to applying lemon juice directly to the skin, you can also add it to your diet to help reduce wrinkles from the inside out. 

Boost immunity

There’s nothing quite like a hot cup of tea with lemon and honey to soothe your throat and clear your congestion. This home remedy has been used for several centuries to help reduce phlegm and improve breathing. Lemon is high in Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.

Image courtesy: lajollamom.com

Besides, it fights inflammation and promotes healthy respiratory function. Honey is a natural antimicrobial agent that can help relieve coughs and throat soreness. Combined, these two ingredients make potent remedies for clearing out mucus and congestion. Add in a dash of turmeric, and nothing can stop you!

Revitalize stainless steel at home

Looking to revitalize your stainless steel at home? Fortunately, a simple and effective way to do just that is by using lemon juice and baking soda on a sponge. First, dampen your sponge with some warm water. Next, mix together lemon juice and baking soda until you have a thick paste.

Image courtesy: gladkokken.com

Then, apply the paste to your stainless steel surface and scrub in a circular motion until you’ve covered the entire area. Finally, rinse the paste with some warm water and dry the surface with a clean cloth. Not only will this method leave your stainless steel looking like new, but it’ll also help remove any built-up dirt or grime.

Ionic effect on the mood

The food we eat has positive ions that combat the negative ions in the body, keeping it healthy. Lemon juice is one of the ingredients that have a positive effect on mood. Moreover, it’s high in Vitamin C, which is known to boost your energy and mood.

Image courtesy: www.lavendaire.com

In fact, Vitamin C may be one of the most effective natural antidepressants available and a mood booster. So if you’re feeling down, reach for lemon instead of popping a pill — you’ll get all the benefits plus the added bonus of boosting your immune system!

Garage freshener

Making your garage freshener is a great way to enjoy the fresh scent of lemon while keeping your garage organized. Collect lemon peels and clean them out. This may be done by leaving them in the sun after washing. You may cut them into small pieces.

Image courtesy: homemadeforelle.com

Once the lemon peels are dry, place them with some salt in a jar or container with holes in the lid. Hang the container of lemon peels in your garage (out of reach of children and pets). Enjoy the fresh scent! Replace the peels every two weeks.