Never Throw Out These Household Items
Our planet is slowly drowning in a sea of waste. Let’s all take the initiative to reduce the amount of waste that we throw into the environment. If you implement the following easy ways to reduce waste, our planet can be rescued while there is still time.
1. Plastic containers

Every home has its fair share of plastic containers such as milk bottles, drink bottles, and sauce bottles, among many other products. Instead of throwing them away, we can reuse them to make bird feeders or watering cans. Also, your used shampoo bottle can be recycled to create a mobile phone charging station. Recycling your plastic bottles is not limited to the functions mentioned. Be creative and reduce plastic waste.
2. Newspapers and magazines
Recycling paper is happening at a higher rate in the world. However, a considerable amount of energy is used to recycle paper, and to avoid this, we must reuse them in our homes. Old newspapers and magazines can be used as wrapping paper or makeshift envelopes. Also, you can use old newspapers to clean your windows.
3. Laundry Sheets
Used laundry or dryer sheets are efficient dusting cloths. Instead of throwing them away, you can use them to remove soap scum, pick up pet hair, or polish metal surfaces in your household.
4. Furniture
You can dismantle old furniture to create new furniture. You can hang old drawers on your wall to create shelves. Also, you can cut table legs into sections to make legs of numerous stools.
5. Glass jars

Avoid throwing away glass jars because you can use them for storage purposes. Screws or paper clips can find a perfect home in used pickle jars. Style your jar with a bit of spray paint to create an appealing look when displaying them.
6. Linen and towels
When sheets and towels get torn or fade but don’t throw them away. Redirect them to the cleaning department, where you can use them as cleaning rags. In addition, you can transform an old T-shirt into a pillowcase. Therefore, this shows that old fabric has other purposes in your home.