Jack Of All Trades: 45 Genius Ways To Use Rubbing Alcohol Around The House

By Harpreet K

Remember that bottle of rubbing alcohol sitting in your medicine cabinet? It turns out this inexpensive product is pretty darn versatile. Believe it or not, rubbing alcohol has multiple uses. First and foremost, it’s a very effective disinfectant, which can come in handy in several medical and home-care situations.

It’s also splendid for scrubbing surfaces and clearing dirt and grime. But there are more things this liquid is perfect for.

Another use is to clean your appliances to keep them germ-free. Moreover, you may use rubbing alcohol to prevent clothes from wrinkling by spraying them with some rubbing alcohol before putting them in the dryer. With this liquid, you don’t need any other cleaning solution.

From cleaning to first aid, check out some genius rubbing alcohol uses below.

1. Clean microfiber furniture

Rubbing alcohol can be used to scrub microfiber furnishings. However, it is crucial to exercise caution when doing so, as rubbing alcohol can be harsh and may sabotage the fabric. Pour some of it onto a soft cloth. Gently rub the cloth over the surface of the furniture.

Image courtesy: thesofaideas.stampbooker.com

Rubbing alcohol doesn’t leave any marks on the furniture after drying. Make sure to not scrub harshly or use excessive pressure. Wipe away any remaining stains or dirt with a clean, damp cloth. Allow the furniture to air dry before using it again.

2. Clean dry-erase boards 

There are a few ways to cleanse a dry-erase panel. The most common to use in a household is to use rubbing alcohol. To clean a dry-erase board with this liquid, you will need isopropyl alcohol or ethyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol), a spray bottle, and a soft cloth.

Image courtesy: AcrylifeArt / etsy.com

Mist the board’s surface with rubbing alcohol and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Wipe the surface of the whiteboard with a soft cloth until it’s clean. You may have to repeat several times before you eliminate all the marks. Don’t use a rough brush, as it may leave scratches.

3. Stretch new shoes 

It’s sometimes necessary to stretch new shoes to avoid annoying shoe bites and cuts. You may do this by spraying rubbing alcohol inside and walking in them. The alcohol will help the shoe stretch and conform to your feet, making them more comfortable to wear. Plus, it will help to prevent blisters.

Image courtesy: www.shoetease.com

Another way is to put on your thick socks. After spraying rubbing alcohol on the insides, wear them around the house for a while before going out in them. This may help them to loosen up a bit and fit your feet better. Also, load the garments with newspaper to get them to stretch. 

4. Get rid of stinky shoes

Wearing shoes all day will make them stinky due to sweat and bacteria. Rubbing alcohol may help to say goodbye to the odor in your shoes. The rubbing alcohol may kill the bacteria that are causing the smell and will leave your shoes smelling fresh and clean.

Image courtesy: astucesduquotidien.com

Just make sure to use a reasonable amount and let them air dry afterward. You may consider using a shoe deodorant or spray to keep the smell at bay. Allow them to air out through the night or as long as you can. The next day, give them a good shake-out, and they should be good as new!

5. Fix broken makeup

If you have a broken makeup compact, you can fix it using rubbing alcohol. Pour some amount of it onto a paper towel and use it to remove the powder from the compact. Then, put a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto another paper towel.

Image courtesy: blog.freepeople.com

Use the paper towel to smooth out the surface of the compact. Let the compact dry for about 15 minutes before putting any makeup on top of it. Use a wooden toothpick or another sharp object to pry the pieces carefully. Use a q-tip or your finger to brush the edges.

6. Easy carpet cleaning

Rubbing alcohol removes dirt and stains from the rugs and exterminates any bacteria or germs that may be creeping on your carpet. To clean your carpets with rubbing alcohol, simply mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and water in a spray bottle. Spray this solution onto the carpet and let it sit.

Image courtesy: Jalynn Baker / www.hgtv.com

Finally, use a brush or broom to scrub the carpet and remove any dirt or stains. Rinse the carpet area well afterward with water to make sure all of the rubbing alcohol has been removed. Let the carpet parch thoroughly before you use it.

7. Clean keyboards

It’s safe to use rubbing alcohol to clean keyboards. Many cleaning wipes have this as a common cleaning ingredient. Keyboards can become dirty over time from dust, food particles, and other debris. The best way to clean a keyboard is by disconnecting it from the computer and gently wiping it down with a damp cloth.

Image courtesy: Cale Hunt / windowscentral.com

Avoid getting any of the solutions into the electronic components of the keyboard, as it could cause damage. Also, never pour rubbing alcohol directly onto the keyboard – instead, pour it onto a cloth and then use it to wipe down the keyboard. Finally, don’t let the rubbing alcohol dry on the keyboard.

8. Fruit fly repellent 

Spraying rubbing alcohol on surfaces can help to repel fruit flies. The fumes from the alcohol confuse the flies and disrupt their senses, ultimately sending them away. You may purchase a bottle specially made for this or make your own by blending rubbing alcohol and clean water in a bottle.

Image courtesy: www.ridmycritters.com

Shake the container well before each use. Spraying surfaces where the flies congregate – such as around the fruit bowl – will help eliminate them. You may also wish to try spraying some directly onto the flies themselves. However, be careful not to get any in your eyes.

9. Germ-free eyeglasses

Rubbing alcohol can be an excellent cleaner for eyeglasses, but it’s important to ensure you use the correct type. Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol is ideal because it vaporizes fast and leaves no remains. Using something diluted or mixed with additional chemicals may damage the glasses.

Image courtesy: naver.com

To clean your glasses with rubbing alcohol, soak a soft cloth in the alcohol and wipe the lenses clean. Be cautious not to splash any of the liquid inside your eyes. You can also use a spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol to spritz on the lenses and then wipe them clean with fabric.

10. No more bed bugs

People have been using alcohol to get rid of bed bugs and dust mites for years. It’s a great way to get rid of them because the alcohol will kill them on contact. You may buy a spray bottle of alcohol at any store, or you can make your own by mixing alcohol with water.

Image courtesy: www.bewellhub.com

Test it on a small area of your mattress first to ensure it doesn’t damage the fabric. When using this method, do it in a well-ventilated area and wear a face mask to prevent inhaling the alcohol. You may repeat it every other month for fresh bedding.

11. Frost-free car windows

This is a terrific tip to keep your car windows frost-free in the wintertime! Pour rubbing alcohol and water (in a half-half ratio) into a spray bottle, and then spray it on your car windows before going to bed. The alcohol will prevent ice from forming on the windows while you sleep.

Image courtesy: www.mom4real.com

In the morning, your car windows will be frost-free. The best aspect is that it is way more affordable and safer than an ice scraper. You won’t need to remove ice or wipe windows every morning in harsh cold weather. Soon you’ll be keeping this solution handy. 

12. Remove strong nail polish

It’s possible to remove strong nail polish with rubbing alcohol without drying the nails. One way to use rubbing alcohol to remove nail polish is to saturate a cotton ball with the alcohol and then place the cotton ball over the nails. Rub the cotton ball on the nails for removal.

Image courtesy: EZNailsStore / etsy.com

You may also pour some rubbing alcohol into a bowl and then soak your fingers in it for a few minutes. After letting the alcohol soak in, you can start to rub off the polish. Make sure to wash your hands exhaustively after you try this method, as rubbing alcohol can be drying.

13. Get clear skin

Benzoyl peroxide is a harsh solution that can dry up the skin and may not be suitable for most skin types. Rubbing alcohol, on the other hand, is a gentle antiseptic that can help to kill bacteria on the skin and dry out blemishes. It’s also much cheaper than benzoyl peroxide!

Image courtesy: @olly / Pexels

Soak a cotton fabric or pad in rubbing alcohol and sweep it across your face, especially in areas with acne lesions. Allow the alcohol to evaporate completely before applying any other skincare products. You can repeat this treatment twice daily, but be sure not to over-dry your skin. 

14. DIY air freshener 

Rubbing alcohol as a DIY air freshener with essential oils works well. Add a few drops of fragrant essential oil to a small spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol and shake well to combine. Then mist the air in the room lightly with the mixture, and enjoy the fresh smell.

Image courtesy: thegardeningcook.com

Making this freshener is cheap as rubbing alcohol is readily available and has a strong scent that quickly covers up unpleasant odors. Plus, it’s non-toxic and you can use it around kids and animals. Essential oils are also beneficial for freshening the air, as they have natural antibacterial and antifungal properties.

15. Remove stickers and glue 

Rubbing alcohol may be used to remove stickers and glue. It is often recommended as a way to remove these materials without damaging the surface underneath. To use rubbing alcohol to remove a sticker or glue, simply soak a cloth in the alcohol and then press it against the material.

Image courtesy: www.bhg.com

Hold it in place for a few seconds, then rub gently until the sticker or glue comes off. Flush the area afterward with water to clear any remaining traces of the liquid. You may repeat it if there’s any glue or sticker residue. 

16. DIY sanitizer 

Looking for a DIY sanitizer that’s both inexpensive and straightforward to make? Look no further than this recipe made with rubbing alcohol and aloe vera. Alcohol is a powerful disinfectant that can kill most types of bacteria and viruses. It’s a great option for killing germs when you’re in a pinch.

Image courtesy: www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com

Aloe vera is excellent for its healing properties, so this DIY sanitizer will leave your hands feeling soft and refreshed. To make this DIY sanitizer, simply mix 60% rubbing alcohol with 40% aloe vera gel or juice. This DIY sanitizer is fast-acting and leaves your hands feeling silky and fresh.

17. Head lice treatment

There’re a few different ways to treat head lice with rubbing alcohol. You can use a mix of 70% isopropyl alcohol and water, or you can use 100% pure ethyl alcohol. The main thing to remember is to test it on a small skin patch first to ensure you’re not allergic to it.

Image courtesy: @karolina-grabowska / Pexels

Some people recommend spraying the scalp with alcohol and combing the hair with a nit comb. Others suggest dipping the comb in the alcohol before running it through the hair. And finally, some people just put some alcohol directly on the scalp and wait for a while before you rinse it.

18. Make an ice pack 

When you combine water and rubbing alcohol, the mixture’s freezing point is lowered, and it will freeze much faster than just water alone. This’s a great tip to remember when you have to get your hands on an ice pack fast. The lower the freezing point of a liquid, the faster it will freeze.

Image courtesy: rheumaticprincess.blogspot.com

Just pour some rubbing alcohol into a Ziploc baggie filled with water. This is because when a liquid freezes, some of its molecules form into solid crystals while some remain in liquid form. The result is an ice pack that will stay cold for extended periods. 

19. Clean, shiny mirrors 

Rubbing alcohol can be helpful for cleaning mirrors, but using the right kind is important. Isopropyl alcohol is a good choice because it has a high evaporation rate and leaves no residue. But be careful not to use a rough mix, which is more corrosive and can damage the mirror’s surface.

Image courtesy: @liliana-drew / Pexels

To clean a mirror with rubbing alcohol, spray it onto the glass and then wipe it clean with a cloth or paper towel. Use a microfiber cloth to prevent streaks. Rinse any residue with water, and then dry the mirror with a soft cloth. 

20. Makeup brush sanitization 

There are a few thoughts on how to sanitize makeup brushes using rubbing alcohol. One method is to fill a small bowl with rubbing alcohol, dip the brush’s bristles into the alcohol, and swirl the brush around until it’s covered in the solution.

Image courtesy: joceysbeautyfiles.com

Then, rinse the brush under running water until all the alcohol has been washed away. Another way is to spray rubbing alcohol onto the bristles of the brush and then use your fingers to rub it in until it’s foamy. Rinse with water as before.

21. Remove dust from blinds

It may work as an excellent cleaner and degreaser for removing dust from blinds. First things first, test it out in an unnoticeable spot to ensure the alcohol doesn’t damage the material of your blinds. Put some liquid in a spray bottle and mist it on the blinds.

Image courtesy: 1stposition.us

You may dampen a cloth with rubbing alcohol and wipe down the blinds. If your blinds are filthy, a third way is to pour some rubbing alcohol into a bowl, dip the cloth in it, and then wipe down the blinds. Dry them off once you’re done, so they don’t rust.

22. Soothe shaved armpits

It’s not the most pleasant solution, but rubbing alcohol on freshly shaved armpits can help to soothe any irritation or inflammation resulting from the shaving process. The alcohol will allow to dry out any bacteria or debris that may be causing the discomfort and will help to speed up the healing process.

Image courtesy: @sakshi-patwa-3335937 / Pexels

The downside is that it can also be drying, so it’s important to follow up with a good moisturizer. We’d recommend using a light, unscented lotion or cream that will not aggravate the skin. Aloe vera is a great option for this.

23. Prevent sweat stains

You may use rubbing alcohol to prevent sweat stains as it acts as an antiperspirant. Rubbing alcohol works to prevent sweat stains because it is a disinfectant. It kills the bacteria that causes the sweat and odor to linger, which is why it’s often used as a home remedy for foot fungus.

Image courtesy: wholelifestylenutrition.com

So, if you’re looking for a way to prevent sweat stains, rubbing alcohol might be a good solution for you. Just make sure to apply it generously to the areas that tend to get sweaty and stained. And be sure to avoid using products that may contain alcohol on skin that’s already dry or irritated.

24. Reed diffuser

There are several ways to try this idea at your home. If you don’t feel like disbursing a lot on this, here’s an idea. Fill a small glass jar with 2-3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, and then add 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil.

Image courtesy: www.themakeyourownzone.com

Place the reeds in the jar, and let them soak in the rubbing alcohol and essential oil mix. After 30 minutes, turn the reeds over so that the other end is now in the alcohol. The diffuser should be ready to use within 12 hours. 

25. Wipe your phone

Germs will be gone from screens! Rubbing alcohol is a great option to cleanse your phone of any bacteria or other nasties lurking on its surface. Just soak a cotton ball in some vodka or isopropyl alcohol, and give your phone a good wipe-down.

Image courtesy: www.howtogeek.com

Ensure to concentrate on the buttons and the area around the screen since that’s where most germs are likely to be hiding. Voilà! Your phone is fresh and clean, and you can feel normal about using it once more. Just dry it off afterward so it doesn’t get damaged. 

26. Rub on permanent marker stains

Marker stains are annoying on furniture and clothing. Get rid of permanent marker stains with rubbing alcohol. Be sure to test this method out on a discreet area of your clothes beforehand to confirm that the rubbing alcohol doesn’t cause discoloration or fading.

Image courtesy: crownhilldaybyday.blogspot.com

Pour rubbing alcohol onto some fabric and then rub the cloth onto the stain. Another method is to soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and then place the cotton ball on top of the stain. You may also spray some directly onto the stain. 

27. Remove hairspray residue

Hairspray that contains silicone does not come off easily from the hair. Silicone-based hair sprays create a film on your hair that can be difficult to remove – even shampoo may not get rid of it completely. You may use rubbing alcohol to remove hairspray residue.

Image courtesy: agirlwhoneedstocraft.weebly.com

Alcohol dissolves the residue and leaves your hair looking shiny and clean. Simply pour some alcohol onto a cotton ball and wipe down your hair. Avoid getting any alcohol in your eyes. Condition your hair well, as alcohol may have dried it. 

28. Use it on acne

Learn how to dry out acne quickly with rubbing alcohol. It’s vital to note that this should only be used as a temporary measure, not as a long-term solution. When used on acne, rubbing alcohol helps remove the oil from the skin and reduces the swelling and inflammation associated with breakouts.

Image courtesy: www.treasuredtips.com

Note that rubbing alcohol is a very strong astringent and can cause irritation and drying of the skin if used in excessive amounts. For this reason, it’s best to use a cotton ball or pad to apply the alcohol directly to the affected area only.

29. Dab on ink stains

If you have ink stains on your shirt and think of discarding them, this will delight you. Rubbing alcohol cuts through the grease and ink and makes your clothes look new. Soak the stain in the rubbing alcohol for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse it with cold water.

Image courtesy: housekeeping.wonderhowto.com

If the stain doesn’t come out completely, you can repeat these steps until it’s gone. As always, test this on a tiny area of the item first to make sure that the alcohol doesn’t cause any discoloration or other deterioration.

30. Garbage can spray

This is a great way to make homemade garbage can spray! You’ll need some rubbing alcohol and your favored essential oils. The rubbing alcohol will help the essential oils disperse in the air, and the essential oils kill any bad smells. You can make this recipe your own and use any essential oils you like.

Image courtesy: adropofthis.blogspot.com

Simply mix a cup of rubbing alcohol with 10-15 drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour the mix into a glass/plastic spray bottle, and spritz it around your garbage can as needed. Enjoy fresh, clean air without any foul smells! You may also spray the trash can before adding a new garbage bag. 

31. Kill ticks 

Removing ticks as soon as possible is crucial because they may transmit Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Ehrlichiosis. Use rubbing alcohol to kill ticks to prevent these chronic diseases and their deadly symptoms. Ticks can be killed with a 70% alcohol solution, which disinfects the wound.

Image courtesy: @tanya-gorelova-2199357 / Pexels

Simply soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and apply it to the tick for several minutes. The tick should eventually die and fall off. Make sure to clean the area well with soap and water afterward. Treat the wound area until it heals entirely. 

32. Wipe light switches 

One way to disinfect light switches is by using a household disinfectant, such as rubbing alcohol. Pour some of the liquid onto a paper towel or tissue, and then use the towel or tissue to wipe down the light switch. Be sure to let the disinfectant dry completely before you touch it.

Image courtesy: theorganisedhousewife.com

Another option is to use a small spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol and spritz the switch directly. Cleaning the light switches regularly will keep the germs and bacteria away from your hands. Besides, you may wipe down door handles and appliance switches. 

33. Heal itchy insect bites 

Next time pesky bug bites plague you, reach for this quick solution. Rubbing alcohol may help soothe the itchiness and inflammation caused by insect bites. Simply soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and apply it to the bite for a few minutes. Repeat as needed.

Image courtesy: home.thegreyfairybook.com

The cooling sensation of the alcohol will help to relieve the itching, while the anti-inflammatory properties will help to reduce swelling and inflammation. It may also reduce skin redness. Plus, rubbing alcohol is a disinfectant, which can help clean and heal the wound site.

34. Marble manicure 

Here’s a fun and easy way to get a marble effect on your nails. It’s perfect for a quick mani or pedi, and all you need is some rubbing alcohol, nail polish, and a toothpick. Start by painting your nails with the base color of your choice. Let them dry completely.

Image courtesy: PrettyFabNails / etsy.com

Paint a thin second coat of polish over the first coat. Let it dry for about five minutes. Get a glass bowl or cup and fill it with rubbing alcohol. Dip the toothpick into the rubbing alcohol and then swirl it around on top of the nail polish until you get the desired marble effect.

35. Convenient sterilizer 

Your home may have items that need a thorough cleaning. These contaminated things may cause ailments if not taken care of. Rubbing alcohol is fast-acting and kills a wide range of bacteria and viruses. Plus, it’s affordable and easy to use. Be sure to follow the right instructions when using rubbing alcohol.

Image courtesy: RailwayTreasures / etsy.com

You may clean door knobs, packages, and sports equipment using rubbing alcohol. Due to the flammable nature of rubbing, you must be careful while using it. Never use it near an open flame, and don’t smoke while you’re using it. Also, keep out of reach of kids and pets.

36. Cure for swimmers’ ears 

Some people swear by rubbing alcohol to help clear up swimmers’ ears. The theory is that rubbing alcohol will help dry out the ear canal and thus eliminate the bacteria and fungus causing the swimmer’s ear infection. There is some scientific evidence to back up this claim.

Image courtesy: @mali / Pexels

A study found that a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol was as effective as a prescription antibiotic in treating a swimmer’s ear infection. However, it’s crucial to note that it’s a temporary fix and that you should see a doctor if the condition persists or worsens.

37. Soothe cold sores

Cold sores can be painful and make it difficult to eat or talk. Plus, they’re just downright embarrassing. Rubbing alcohol can help to soothe cold sores by drying out the area and preventing the virus from spreading. There’s no cure for cold sores yet, but there are treatments that can help relieve the symptoms.

Image courtesy: TheCleverCraftingCo / etsy.com

It’s important to avoid touching the cold sore as much as possible and to keep the area clean and dry. Apply some amount of rubbing alcohol to a cotton ball and hold it against the cold sore for a few minutes. Repeat it as you deem necessary.

38. Acrylic paint remover 

Use rubbing alcohol as an acrylic paint remover. It’s a good way to get rid of paint that’s been spilled on a surface because it evaporates quickly and doesn’t leave any residue behind. Just pour some rubbing alcohol onto a cloth or paper towel and dab at the paint until it comes off.

Image courtesy: askmeclean.com

Be careful not to get the rubbing alcohol on any other surfaces, though, because it can damage them. You may also use this for any acrylic paint spills on your clothes. That’ll come in handy if you paint a lot or if you have kids at home. 

39. Freshen up plastic containers 

You may not want to reuse plastic food containers if they don’t smell fresh. And it’s a good idea to keep them clean, especially if you’re storing food in them. Many prefer rubbing alcohol spray to help freshen up their plastic containers, which sounds like a great idea.

Image courtesy: YMRsupplies / etsy.com

The alcohol will help kill any bacteria or mold growing on the container’s surface, and it’ll also help evaporate any odors or remove stains. Also, you may wipe the container with the solution and let it dry before adding food.

40. Disinfecting floor cleaner 

For disinfecting floors, it is important to use a product that will clean them efficiently. A good floor disinfectant will kill bacteria and viruses, as well as remove any dirt or grease from the surface. Rubbing alcohol works well for cleaning the floor.

Image courtesy: Ulyana Verbytska / www.thespruce.com

The active ingredient in rubbing alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, is highly effective against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. So if you’re looking for an inexpensive, non-toxic way to disinfect your floors, rubbing alcohol may be used individually or added to other cleaners.

41. Clean greasy stove 

There are a lot of crazy stove-cleaning methods out there, but this one takes the winner prize. It seems like a lot of work (and it kind of is), but if you’re looking for an alternative to using harsh chemicals or expensive stove cleaners, then this might be the solution for you.

Image courtesy: www.thespruce.com

You’ll need some rubbing alcohol and a couple of paper towels. Dip the paper towel in the alcohol and start scrubbing the grease. The alcohol will dissolve the grease and make it easy to wipe away. Use a fresh paper towel each time so that you’re not spreading any dirt or grease around. 

42. Make granite look new 

It’s possible to make granite look new using rubbing alcohol. The process is very simple – just pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto a clean cloth and wipe the granite surface with the cloth. Be sure to polish the surface dry with another clean cloth.

Image courtesy: MovingLines / etsy.com

Rubbing alcohol may be useful in removing stains and smudges from granite countertops. Just mix a small amount of dishwashing detergent with water and pour it onto the stained area. Use a sponge or fabric to scrub the stain until it disappears, then rinse the area with clean water and pat it dry.

43. Make Febreze 

Rubbing alcohol not only gets rid of bad smells but also helps to refresh and deodorize clothes. Here’s how to make your Febreze using rubbing alcohol. Grab 30 ml rubbing alcohol, 30 ml water, and ten drops of essential oil (of your choice).

Image courtesy: kidsactivitiesblog.com

Add rubbing alcohol, water, and essential oil to the spray bottle. Shake well to combine. Mist the fabric lightly with the Febreze mixture and let it dry. You may do this before or after you put on the dress. This way, you may wear clothes again, skipping a few wash cycles. 

44. Clean your jewelry

Many people have asked if it is safe to clean their jewelry with rubbing alcohol. The answer is yes, as long as you are using pure rubbing alcohol and not a mix. The purpose of rubbing alcohol is to remove any dirt, oil, or grease on the jewelry.

Image courtesy: Angela / www.hometalk.com

It will also help to disinfect the piece and remove any bacteria that may be present. Dip the jewelry into the rubbing alcohol and then use a soft cloth to wipe it clean. Be sure to rinse the jewelry well with water after cleaning to remove all of the alcohol.

45. Prevent athlete’s foot 

If you’re on the hunt to prevent an athlete’s foot, you may be tempted to reach for the bottle of rubbing alcohol. After all, it’s a disinfectant, and it’s been shown to kill fungus. Apart from using this, some more effective methods prevent athlete’s foot.

Image courtesy: FineCosmetics / etsy.com

One of the best options to prevent athlete’s foot is to keep your feet clean and dry. Ensure you shower after every workout (or at least once a day) and pat your feet dry with a towel. Be sure to change your dirty socks and shoes daily, especially if they’re sweaty.