45 Frugal Dish Washing Liquid Hacks For Everything But The Dishes

By Ishita P

If we were to ask you what dish soap is for, you’d probably limit its function to washing your dirty dishes. Being an essential kitchen item, people think that dishwashing liquid can only be used to cleanse plates. But here’s an eye-opener – dish soap is a highly versatile cleaning product that you can utilize for a wide range of purposes apart from what it was made for. What’s more? It’s affordable and contains non-toxic ingredients, making it safe to use on all kinds of materials.

Hence, from cleaning many things to getting rid of tough stains, this guide will introduce you to even more dish soap hacks that you never knew existed. Therefore, save your time and money by following these effective dish soap cleaning tips to tackle dirt and grime!

Replace Regular Cleaners

Do you ever wonder how simple life would be if you had an all-purpose cleaner for a wide range of applications? Well, here’s some good news! You can now prepare a homemade cleaning agent with a few drops of vinegar and dish soap.

Image credits: Jim Barber / Shutterstock

So, first, take vinegar and dishwashing liquid in a 1:1 ratio. Then, microwave the vinegar and heat it. After that, mix the soap with it in a spray bottle. Once ready, you can use the mixture as a disinfectant and apply it to the grime to wipe it off with a clean rag.

Remove All Those Unwanted Makeup Stains

Makeup can enhance your features by contrasting your face elements with your skin tone. But the stains left on your clothes are the most annoying part. Here is an easy solution to deal with these smears! Simply use your dishwashing soap and remove all the marks.

Photo by Kalei Lagunero / YouTube

Just pour a few drops of the dish soap onto the stained apparel and let it sit for at least five minutes. Once done, the marks will slowly disappear from the concerned area, saving you from spending a hefty amount on an expensive stain remover.

Keep The Pests Away From Your Trees

When you have trees in your back yard, particularly fruit trees, they tend to be a center of attraction for tiny bugs. So, if you leave them untreated, these pesky pests will infect your plants and negatively affect their growth.

Photo by Unknown on BetterBe

Fortunately, your dish soap can come to the rescue of the trees! Just stir a gallon of water with dishwashing soap and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Then, spray the liquid on the plants to keep the bugs away from your beloved plants.

Make Your Sliding Doors Smooth And Shiny

Nowadays, most modern homes have sliding doors. So, if your house falls in this category, you’re probably no stranger to the grouts of the door that love to accumulate dust and dirt. It obstructs the door, making it rough to open and close.

Photo by Unknown / YouTube

Well, you don’t have to worry anymore! All you have to do is grab your dish soap and give the trenches a gentle scrub. It will remove the dirt from the slides and lubricate them so that your doors can function properly and steer clear of dust.

Unclog Your Garbage Disposal

Drains are prone to blockage, and we think calling a plumber is the most effective way to fix it. However, waiting for them to arrive is another problem. So, if you don’t want to test your patience or hire expensive plumbers, apply a DIY tactic using dishwashing liquid.

Photo by wallstoriez.com

First, place some ice cubes over the garbage disposal and pour a few drops of the soap into it. Then, turn it on and let the ice and the liquid dissolve. Once done, the clogs will be cleared, and the blades of the disposal will also be sharp.

Clean Your Tub Without Any Back Pain

Tubs are one of those things at home that require regular cleaning and maintenance. But the worst part is constant bending over to clean the tub. It can lead to severe back pain due to the excessive pressure on your spine.

Photo by flipboard.com

So, an excellent alternative to clean your tub is to pour some dishwashing liquid into it and use a cleaning broom to scrub the dirt off the space. It will clear away the toughest of stains abrasively without giving you a backache.

Bid Farewell to Fleas

Remember the hack of keeping pests away from your fruit trees? Well, the same can be side for fleas too! If you own pets, their furry coats are prone to attracting fleas, which can quickly transfer to your carpet or couch. It’s time to bring the Dawn back into the game again.

Photo by Flash Bully Kennel / YouTube

Sprinkle the mixture of dish wash liquid and water onto your furniture and let it stay there for a bit. Then, wipe the surface using a rag and vacuum the sprayed area. This little trick will also help your fur friends who like to rest on the furniture stay clear, too.

Keep Your Fireplace Neat and Clean

When the cold weather hits and the days and nights call for warmth and coziness, all you can think of is your fireplace. But, some of us can’t help but think about the soot the fireplace collects and how filthy it is. It is too difficult to clean.

Photo by cassssIOO / Reddit

However, cleaning the soot won’t be a hassle anymore because here’s a trick! Mix some dish soap, water, and salt in a bowl to achieve a paste-like consistency. Then, apply this solution to the soot and wait for ten minutes. Finally, rub it with a sponge, and the job is done!

Keep Your Glasses Fog-Free

If you are bespectacled, you probably struggle with foggy glasses often. Indeed, the experience is too annoying. Moreover, wiping them time and again can easily make you lose focus on the task you’re involved in, disrupting your entire workflow.

Photo by Pduesp On YouTube

So, pour dishwashing liquid on a washcloth and rub it on your glasses. Then, slowly wipe it off using a dry cloth. Adding a protective layer will keep your glasses from fogging up frequently. However, ensure not to use a dish soap comprising citric acids, as they aren’t suitable for glasses.

Let Your Jewelry Sparkle And Shine

A jewelry’s essence and preciousness lie in its shine and sparkle. There are numerous ways to keep your jewelry as new and attractive as its originality, but the main obstacle is the expensive nature of those solutions. So, if you want the same results without spending much, turn to your dishwashing liquid.

Photo by wallstoriez.com

Take a container and add some soap, club soda, and water. Mix the solution well and soak the jewelry in it. Once you let it stay for a couple of minutes, the mixture will start stripping off all the grime and dust, regaining the lost charm of your ornaments.

Lubricate Your Doors

WD40 is perhaps the first thing that crosses your mind when you have to remove any squeaky binge. But it’s important to remember that they often contain harsh chemicals, and you don’t want them lingering in your home. The same is not recommended either for safety purposes.

Photo by WatchMeFixIt / Youtube

Hence, if you want to lubricate your doors safely and economically, use some dish soap. First, squeeze a few drops of the liquid on the hinges. Following this, open and close the door several times so that any squeaks obstructing the functioning of your door get cleared up.

Wash Your Vehicle

Here’s another hack that may not be news to you! Several people have been spotted implementing this tactic almost every day – washing their car using dish soap. However, if it sounds new to you, get ready to learn a money-saving trick.

Image credits: Detail Darren / YouTube

All you need to do is blend a few tablespoons of dish detergent and water. After that, take a sponge, douse it in the concoction you have created, and gently rub it on your car. Use a high-quality towel to clean the car but be mindful of the process to avoid scratches during the wash.

Soak Your Nails

Everybody loves manicured, dazzling nails. But to achieve them, you must first clean your nails properly to ensure the polish adheres to them well and the shine last. So now, using regular dish soap, you can easily get clean, manicure-ready nails at home.

Photo by BetterBe

Just grab a bowl, add some warm water, and pour a few drops of the dishwashing liquid. Next, soak your nails in the mixture to get them well-polished. It will not only remove the oils on the nails but also soften your cuticles, making them easy to work with during your manicure session.

Make Your Hair Dye Milder

Dying your hair can be a risky affair. You either get the outcome you desired or results that disappoint you! To be honest, most often, the latter is more prevalent. So, if you are dying your hair and the results turn out darker than expected, let us introduce you to a handy trick to control the situation.

Photo by Hefty-Comb-8216 / Reddit

Turn your dish soap into a magic shampoo by washing your dyed hair gently with it. The safe ingredients of the soap will strip away the excess hair dye, and you can repeat this process till you get your desired results.

Find Puncture in Your Tire

A punctured tire is one of the least desirable things in the world. What’s more annoying is the difficulty locating the hole, causing the air to leak from the tire. However, a few drops of dish soap can help you identify the puncture effectively.

Photo by Fixbook / YouTube

Blend some water with a few drops of dishwashing liquid and spatter the mixture on the tire. Lather for a while to produce suds. After some time, you will notice bubbled froths pushed out from a particular area. It is caused by air coming from the puncture.

Take a Fresh and Soothing Shower

Did you just run out of shampoo but need to urgently get rid of that stubborn grease from your hair? Skip the stress and get ahold of some dish soap! Yes, your dishwashing liquid can come in handy as a shampoo.

Photo by  BetterBe

It can remove all the dirt and oil from your hair. But, proceed with caution: your hair produces some natural oils, which are necessary for your scalp. Thus, excessive use of dish soap to remove them may not be the best idea; hence, use it in moderation.

Clean Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is often regarded as durable and long-lasting material. It also needs regular maintenance to prevent getting dusty and dirty sooner than required. Especially if stainless steel items are bulky, like a refrigerator, you need to be more careful.

Photo by vaneamaro91 / TikTok

So, to clean stainless steel appliances, you don’t need to fiddle around the aisle looking for the perfect cleanser anymore. Your dish soap can do the job efficiently. Just prepare a homemade solution by mixing some dish detergent with water and turning it into a cleaner. And you’re done!

Heal Your Skin Problems

Eczema is a prevalent skin condition that affects many people, and dealing with it can be pretty annoying. But, as surprising as it may sound, the dish soap sitting on your kitchen sink has been reported to work wonders for your skin.

Photo by Anastasia Denise / Youtube

You can replace your traditional skin cleanser with the dishwashing liquid and use it in the same manner. Many people have experienced soothing results from its use. Also, it is a great cost-effective alternative. However, be sure to consult a professional before trying this hack.

Loose Up the Stubborn Old Oil Stains

Are you familiar with the oily and greasy stains? If yes, you might be well-acquainted with their adamant nature and unwillingness to fade away. Well, you need not tolerate their stubbornness anymore because dish soap is here to deal with it.

Photo by The Family Handyman

If you have any area in the interior or exterior of your home conquered by these tough stains, all you need to do is pour some dish wash on them. Then, scrub it using a rigid brush for a couple of minutes and wash it away with the hose. For better results, follow it up with some baking powder.

Wash Your Hair Brush

From detangling your hair to helping you appear well-maintained, hair brushes are an essential item. But their everyday use leads them to gather a lot of dirt and hair in the prongs. Cleaning it is a time-consuming process yet necessary.

Photo by Delia Mireya / YouTube

Well, you can now use dish soap to clean your hair brushes in minimal time. All you need to do is soak your combs into a mixture of dishwashing liquid and warm water and let them sit there for a few minutes, giving them a good rinse. All the dirt and oil present in the brush will be instantly removed.

Scrub Off the Grill Dirt

Another thing that can be a real struggle to clean is your BBQ grills. It is due to debris accumulated in them after you have cooked something. Nonetheless, dish detergent makes cleaning the leftovers from the grates easier.

Photo by RecursiveParadox / Reddit

Prepare a concoction by adding some baking soda, vinegar, and dish soap to a container and mixing them together. Pour it on the grill and rub it using a brush. Allow the solution to sit for at least eight hours, and then use an abrasive brush to scrub it off.

Get Rid of Ants

Ants are probably the least harmful of all insects, but it does not get rid of the fact that their presence is still unwelcome. From raiding your pantry to making a fuss all around the cooking space, they can get on your nerves.

Photo by Allison Young / Good Housekeeping

An increase in their infestation can also make you a victim of pretty gnarly stings. So, to get rid of this issue, just spray some mixture of dish soap and water on the ants or their lines and watch how they scurry to get out.

Unblock the Toilets

One of the most upsetting things that can occur unexpectedly and leave you feeling helpless is when your toilet gets clogged. Indeed, it is an unglamorous situation to be stuck in, but this simple dish soap trick can come in handy.

Photo by katiebug586 / Reddit

Grab the dishwashing liquid from your kitchen and pour some drops into the toilet bowl, allowing it to stay there for at least 20 minutes. Now, flush the liquid using a gallon of hot water, and your toilet should be unclogged effectively!

Manage Weeds Successfully

Don’t want your garden to be a comfortable home for weeds but cannot find an effective solution to get rid of them? Well, it’s understandable because weeds massively hamper the growth of your plants and flowers, keeping them from blooming.

Photo by The Krazy Coupon Lady

Thus, a well-prepared mixture of dish soap, vinegar, salt, and water added to a spray bottle is a great DIY solution to kill those nasty weeds. This chemical-free solution is safe to be sprinkled on your plants but makes the weeds lose their moisture, drying them up in a few days.

Degrease Your Kitchen Cabinet

Kitchen cabinets are not only essential but also enhance the appeal of your bustling kitchen. However, they tend to lose their newness and original varnish with time. Once this happens, your entire kitchen may look old and ill-maintained. But not anymore!

Photo by fizkes / Shutterstock

So, avoid this circumstance by rubbing some dishwashing liquid on your kitchen cabinets from time to time. It will effectively remove all the grease and stains due to cooking and maintain the crystal-clear shiny outlook of your cabinets.

Turn Dishwashing Soap Into Face Wash

Skincare is a highly mandatory part of your daily routine, but it can’t be denied that beauty products are not the most affordable items on the market. However, this doesn’t dismiss that you need an effective cleanser to keep your skin fresh and healthy.

Photo by Manisha Ande / YouTube

So, you can use dishwashing liquid as a cost-effective alternative to getting rid of all the dirt and excess oils on your skin. And for doing so, first, create a mixture using dish soap and warm water. Then, apply it like a cleanser and wash it off with water to get squeaky clean skin.

Remove Adhesives from Hair

Ever had chewing gum stuck in your hair? If yes, then you know it’s the most horrifying experience. Imagine cutting off that portion of your hair because of the gum – hurtful, isn’t it? However, if this happens to you again, remember this little trick!

Photo by Suffolk County Cleaning / Pinterest

Just as dish soap can clean oil and grease, it can remove adhesives too. So, the next time you have gum stuck on your hair, grab your dishwashing liquid rather than rushing for the scissor. You can use it in the shower as a regular shampoo.

Make Your Sidewalks Ice-Free

Winters are known for icy sidewalks that look beautiful yet are dangerous due to their slippery nature. You perhaps don’t fancy the idea of rushing to work and slipping on the ice. So, here’s an easy trick to keep your sidewalks free of ice.

Photo by indianalastwishregistry.org

Take a small amount of dishwashing liquid and alcohol and stir it with warm water. Then, pour the mixture onto the sidewalk and watch the ice melt. Sounds like a pretty easy way to de-ice your outdoors, right? You can apply this hack to your car windows, too!

Keep Your Glass Windows Clear

Just like you can clear away the fog from your spectacles, you can implement the same trick to defog your glass windows. However, for your spectacles, it is applicable only on a small scale, but for this trick, you can use it on a large scale. How?

Photo by Tracy Paskovich / Facebook

First, create a liquid spray by mixing some dish soap and water. Then, spray the solution on your windows. Now, wipe the mixture with a clean, dry washcloth or towel, and enjoy a clear view from your fog-resistant windows. You can apply this hack to other glass items, such as mirrors, car windshields, etc.

Keep Your Indoor Plants Full of Life

You have already been introduced to the trick of keeping your outdoor trees safe by spraying dishwashing liquid on them, but what about your indoor plants? How will you take care of them and protect their well-being? Well, dish soap is welcome in this scenario too.

Photo by myheavenlyrecipes.com

Grab a spray bottle and pour some water into it. Now, add a few drops of the dishwashing liquid and give the bottle a shake. Spritz the mixture on your indoor plants to protect them from bugs and any other threats that may affect their growth.

Keep Your Makeup Sponges Forever New

Makeup sponges make the application of cosmetics easier and more effective, as they allow the products to blend well with your skin. However, since they are exposed to various products for various uses, they tend to collect stains too soon.

Photo by Courtney Bouchard on Pinterest

So, here’s a simple way to clean your makeup sponge! First, add warm water to a bowl and pour two tablespoons of dishwashing liquid. Then, soak the makeup sponge in this mixture for at least half an hour and rinse it thoroughly to remove all the stains.

Clean and Care for Your Tools

Tools of all kinds can become covered in grease quickly and frequently. However, cleaning them can be difficult. Moreover, if you wash the expensive tools at regular intervals, they can soon lose their original functionalities and durability.

Photo by Uknown on BetterBe

So, an easy way to make them last longer is to clean them using a mixture of dishwashing liquid and warm water. First, immerse your tools in this solution for a while so that the soap can lift away the oils. Following this, give them a proper rinse, and you’re done!

Create Cable Lubricants

If guiding strings and cables through anything is the most annoying task to you, you’re not alone! Due to the need for utmost precision in this job, it takes several minutes to complete. Thankfully, we’ve found an easy way to solve this issue.

Photo by road.cc

Prepare a lubricant by whisking some dish detergent with water and adding it to a spray bottle. Now, spray the mixture on the object that you’re channeling the cable through. It will lubricate the item, making it easier for you to perform the task.

Handy DIY Ice Packs

Ice packs are pretty handy items to have around your home. Using an ice pack can be highly beneficial if you hit your head on something hard, got wounded, or felt some joint pain. It soothes the area and provides instant relief.

Photo by hellooy / Reddit

So, if you need an ice pack but don’t want to buy one, take a freezer bag and pour some dishwashing liquid into it. Layer it with another bag for added protection to prevent any leakage and store it in the freezer. After, simply put it back into the freezer and reuse it the next time.

Clean Your Beloved Pup

Your pups need regular showers, but you can’t bathe them with the same shower gel you use. Instead, they require dog shampoos specially formulated for them. But these shower gels are expensive. So, switch to dish soap if you don’t want to spend hefty amounts on such products containing harsh chemicals.

Photo by Kendall Todd TheSilverGuy / YouTube

Replace the dog shampoo with your dishwashing liquid and use it for bathing your pet just as you would with a regular shower gel. It will get rid of oils and dirt and keep bugs and fleas away from your pup’s fur coat.

Keep The Grout’s Dirt At Bay

Cleaning your tile’s grout is a hassling affair, requiring a lot of time and attention to detail. You probably procrastinate cleaning it, too, due to the effort required and the exhaustion it creates. So, if it bothers you, here’s a simple way to deal with it.

Photo by Firehooligan / Reddit

Prepare a solution of vinegar, water, and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. For doing so, microwave a cup of vinegar for a minute and add it to a spray bottle containing water and dish soap. Then, disperse the mixture on the tiles and let it sit for a while. Finally, wash it away.

Keep Your Floors Dust-Free

Floors are one of those elements in your home most prone to dust and dirt, as they are stepped on by everybody every time. However, keeping them clean is essential to maintain proper hygiene. So now, don’t t go the extra mile to keep it clean.

Photo by adultsinmotionoakville / Instagram

Simply pour a cup of vinegar and dish soap into a bucket and fill it with water. Then, take a mop and wipe the floor with the solution. It will naturally scrub off the dirt and grime from the flooring, making it clean and tidy. Moreover, this concoction is safe for all kinds of floors. Hence, you can use it hassle-freely.

Wash And Clean Cloth Diapers

Babies are cute and cuddly, and we love to be around them. But once you become a parent, your baby’s needs come first, and you want to give them the best in the world. Cloth diapers have always been one of the most comforting solutions for your babies.

Photo by Unknown o/ Bright Stuffs

However, these nappies often get greasy and stained due to the baby’s body oils. But do not worry! You can easily clean them and get rid of the stains by using a mixture of dish soap and bleach so you can utilize the diapers again.

Keep Fruit Flies Far Away

Like plants, fruits also tend to be magnets for flies. Fruit flies not only make annoying sounds but also reduce the freshness and sweetness of the fruit itself. So, if you want to keep these bugging little critters at bay, trap them with dish soap.

Photo by The Krazy Coupon Lady

Mix half a tablespoon of dish detergent with two tablespoons of red vinegar in a small container. Then, use plastic wrap to cover the container and poke small holes to trap the fruit flies in it. However, ensure not to produce any suds or bubbles in the mixture, so stir gently.

Remove Those Adamant Carpet Stains

Some stains are tough, but some are truly a job, and a handful of dish soap may not always do the trick to bid them goodbye. Thus, this hack requires something more if you want to remove adamant stains from your carpet.

Photo by Victoria 1 / Shutterstock

Make a concoction using dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide in a 1:2 ratio in a bowl. Once done, you can pour the solution into a spray bottle. Now, pour or spray some of the mixture on the carpet. We’d suggest trying the former option as it is more effective in removing stains.

Clean Spilled Oil-Based Paints

Latex and oil paints are the two main types of paints used in painting one’s furniture or home. If you’re using the former one and spilled it accidentally, it won’t be much of a hassle. But if you’re dealing with oil-based paints and accidentally spill some of them, removing it can be a real pain.

Photo by Uknown on BetterBe

Well, the good news is that dish soap can effectively clean the paint since it is created to eliminate grease and oil. Thus, pour some drops of dishwashing liquid onto the stained area and scrub it for a while. The oils will absorb, allowing the paint to be washed away with water.

Do Your Laundry

Laundry is one of those household chores you never want to get into, especially when the commercial detergents are too pricey. It can keep you from doing your laundry, worrying you about spending money more than dirty clothes. So, prepare your own laundry detergent at home.

Photo by The Krazy Coupon Lady

You can make this detergent by adding two tablespoons of dish soap, a ¼th cup of Borax, a ⅓rd cup of washing soda, and a gallon of distilled water. Mix them, and your homemade laundry detergent is all ready to use.

Get A Crystal-Clear Pool

You must have dreamt of owning a huge pool in your backyard, taking a refreshing swim on sunny days. Well, the thought of its maintenance might have seldom crossed your mind. So, here’s a reality check: swimming pools are too difficult to maintain until you know this secret!

Photo by Bondedknight / Reddit

An easy way to collect all the dirt and grime effectively from the pool is to pour a generous amount of dish soap at its center. It will propel all the debris to the periphery, which can be easily scooped up with skimmers and nets, making your pool all clean and clear.

Keep Your Paintbrushes Clean And Tidy

Paint colors can accentuate the look of anything they are applied to, be it your walls or an empty canvas. However, it is often forgotten that a paintbrush is one of the primary tools required for creating a vivid masterpiece.

Photo by Lauren Thomann / The Spruce Crafts

Maintaining and cleaning your paintbrushes may hardly cross your mind, but if you don’t give them proper care, they may soon harden up and lose their functionalities. So, to prevent this from happening, soak them in a mixture of dish soap and warm water and help them regain their newness.

Say Goodbye To Stubborn Stains On Clothing

Some clothes require a gentle rinse in the washing machine, while others, particularly the ones that have been victim to stubborn stains, require more than just laundry detergent. But, removing tough stains from your clothes is possible with dish soap.

Photo by Jamie Satterwaite on Pinterest

Pour a little bit of liquid on the stained area of your garment and rub it gently using a toothbrush or any other mild clothes brush. Let the soap stay for a while to allow it to lift the stain and remove it. After that, put the article in the washing machine.